Our Slide Show

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Yellow Film

Before choosing to relocate to North Carolina I did quite a bit of research and visited the area. I thought I asked all the right questions: how was the weather at different times of the year?, how were the schools, housing market, job market, diversity, yada, yada. In all my asking and listening, no one, I repeat, no one, told me about this nasty yellow film that blankets everything outside during the Spring. The tree pollen is really bad here. My once white vehicle has a disgusting yellow tint to it now. My deck furniture is covered with the pollen and when you walk through the grass, your feet will emerge with the yellow film attached. But that is not the worst part! After a week of feeling crappy, sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, and congestion......I have found that I now have allergies!!!!!! I am sooooo not happy about that.

Today I broke down and bought some Claritin D. I am waiting until 7:00 p.m. to take it. It is the 12 hour pill. I must admit that I am looking forward to feeling normal. I have gone through a whole lot of tissue in the past few days. Aria looks at me like I am crazy every time I go running off to the bathroom for ANOTHER piece of tissue. We shall see if the allergy medication saves me from the "crazy' stare.